Diagram A.1 og A.2 i DROPS 0-1095

Keywords: diagram, hulmønster, snoning, sokker,

I denne DROPS video viser vi hvordan du strikker efter diagram A.1 og A.2 i DROPS 0-1095. I videoen viser vi kun retsiden. Vi strikker 1 kantmaske i retstrik i hver side, og har allerede strikket diagrammet 2 gange i højden så man lettere ser mønsteret.

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Kommentarer (2)

Valerie Johnson wrote:

I'm starting the Takes Two socks & have a question about starting the pattern. The video shows a K stitch before the 1st A.1 stitch but the written instructions & diagrams don't show or mention that knit stitch. It just says "work as follows: A.1 A (= 2 sts)" which would be the yo k2 tog.

05.11.2017 - 12:44

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Johnson, in the video we are working the diagrams back and forth starting with K1, but in the socks you will work in the round starting with A.1 (= 2 sts) so skip the first st worked in the video and start with A.1 as shown. Happy knitting!

06.11.2017 - 10:21

Else-maj wrote:

Jes super tackar 😘

20.10.2015 - 21:23

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