Häkeln: Dreieckstuch mit Stäbchen (130-32)

Keywords: Diagramm, Lochmuster, Tuch,

In diesem DROPS Video zeigen wir, wie man das Tuch DROPS 130-32 nach Diagramm M.1 beginnt.

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Kommentare (2)

Rohaya Mohamed wrote:

The tutorial is much needed for Shawl 130-32 (Sweet Magnolia) as I had no idea what the chart represented. I could not figure out where the current row of stitches should be placed in the previous row. I watched the video three times, and I am now making this Shawl with its easy 3 row repeats. The design is elegant. Thank you for the video.

27.03.2019 - 05:19

Dianne Elkins wrote:

Beautiful crochet only if add subtitles I can understand , thank you for work . 😄

20.09.2016 - 22:23

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