Jak háčkovat dlouhý sloupek (DS)

V této video-ukázce DROPS vám ukážeme, jak uháčkovat dlouhý sloupek.
Háčkem nabereme přízi a vpíchneme jej do následujícího oka. Opět nabereme přízi a protáhneme ji okem - na háčku nám zůstávají 3 smyčky. Nabereme přízi a protáhneme ji prvními 2 smyčkami na háčku. Opět nabereme přízi a protáhneme ji zbylými 2 smyčkami na háčku.

Návod s využitím této techniky najdete rozkliknutím fotky modelu níže.

Tuto video-ukázku využijete u následujících návodů

Komentáře (29)

Melanie wrote:

In the garnstudio crochet patterns are you using US or UK terms as this will affect the result and it doesn't say.

28.10.2023 - 00:15

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Melanie, always make sure you are reading the appropriate English pattern by clicking on the scroll down menu below the picture and choose either UK or US-English. Happy crocheting!

28.10.2023 - 09:26

Barbro wrote:

Älskar videon, så enkel att förstå! Tack!

06.01.2022 - 16:02

Angela wrote:

I have got to the part where I make a double crochet in each chain, the bodice part, and it had made it wavy and larger in comparason to the bottom

05.04.2020 - 13:29

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Angela, if your question refers to one of our patterns, could you please ask it again under the comment section of this pattern?It would be then much easier for us to check. Thanks for your comprehension.

14.04.2020 - 15:23

Patrik wrote:

Huono opetus video

24.09.2019 - 10:27

Cindy wrote:

Hallo, was ist ein D-Stab?

05.06.2019 - 22:55

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Cindy, ein D-Stab ist ein Doppelstäbchen - hier lesen Sie mehr. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!

06.06.2019 - 10:34

Sherry Herritt wrote:

DROPS 99-23 by DROPS Dasign is not working for me. I have the UK direction and I need to have the US translation please.

03.12.2018 - 00:45

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Herritt, remember to always check/edit language under Foto - find the pattern with US-crochet terminology as well as related videos here. Happy crocheting!

03.12.2018 - 11:02

Madeleine wrote:

Hei. Viser denne videoen to ulike måter å hekle staver på? Annen hver stav i videoen hekles som beskrevet i teksten, men annen hver stav hekles ved at det trekkes gjennom 2 masker, og så kastes og trekkes gjennom de to siste maskene. Hvorfor ulik metode for annen hver maske? I video som illustrer hvordan felle/minske ved å hekle sammen to staver brukes kun den ene metoden for å hekle staver.

09.09.2018 - 10:59

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Madeleine. Stavene hekles på samme måte (som beskrevet i teksten) i hele videoen, bortsett fra de 3 luftmaskene i begynnelsen av 2.rad. mvh DROPS design

25.09.2018 - 07:47

Patricia Crocker wrote:

Thankyou for this explanation, I have read books and have never grasped the difference between dc/ tr until watching this video! I will now be able to crochet more accurately. Fortunately it makes little difference when making toys! It just alters the size.

29.10.2017 - 03:56

Dawn Lysinger wrote:

I am reading a patter that says 3tr/dc. What does this mean?

02.05.2017 - 15:44

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lysinger, you have to work 3 sts either tr or dc, depending on the row you are working. Remember to post your question on the pattern you are working on, it may be easier to give you a correct answer. Happy crocheting!

03.05.2017 - 09:33

MENAAA wrote:

This (tr around ch-space) what does it mean ,please?

11.01.2017 - 11:48

DROPS Design answered:

Dar Menaaa, you will see in the video below the difference between working in a stitch, or around a ch-space. Happy crocheting!

11.01.2017 - 18:29

Carol D wrote:

Videos have tutorials for both DC (US) and TR (UK) which terms are used in pattern? In other words, is the pattern itself written in US or UK terms? Important to know that before I start! I'd LOVE to make this for my 1 granddaughter, but want to make sure I do it right. I hate to waste time frogging if I don't have to. Hope I get an answer to this.

05.06.2016 - 23:21

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Carol D, make sure you are reading pattern in the correct language by clicking on the arrow to select language below the picture and chosse appropriate language, either UK or US to get correct terminology. Happy crocheting!

06.06.2016 - 10:04

Anja Lodin wrote:

Det är i texten det står fel. Den första genomdragningen genom en ögla ska inte vara där, man drar igenom 2 först, gör ett omslag och drar igenom de 2 sista på nålen, när man gör en st. precis som filmen visar. När du virkar 1 hst. gör du ett omslag och sen drar du igenom alla 3 öglorna på nålen på en gång. :-)

07.01.2016 - 22:49

Cecilia wrote:

Hej, vet inte om jag är ute och cyklar nu men jag upplever inte att textbeskrivningen och videon visar samma sak. Textbeskrivningen är för en stolpe men videon visar en halvstolpe eller har jag fel?

29.12.2015 - 15:38

Isabel Canete wrote:

Me ha encantado este video y todos los que he consultado, es un sitio maravilloso . Felicitaciones sigan adelante. Isabel

16.11.2014 - 06:15

Cheryl wrote:

I think that is a great tutorial with no sound. you do not get distracted by trying to understand voice. great clear vidoe. of to find more

08.03.2014 - 06:10

Ingrid wrote:

Mycket svårt att förstå förklaringen,håller med om att förklaringstexten är svår att förstå

14.01.2014 - 23:55

Betina wrote:

Hvorfor gør hun ikke det der står i forklaringensteksten?? Når hun har stukket nålen gennem masken trækker hun snoren igennem 2 lykker og ikke kun 1lykke som der står???

10.12.2013 - 09:20

Eline wrote:

Bonjour, Pouvez-vous expliquer comment réaliser les brides en rond ? et les mailles serrées en rond ; merci beaucoup

16.11.2013 - 16:57

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Eline, vous trouverez ici comment crocheter des brides en rond et là des mailles serrées en rond. Bon crochet!

16.10.2014 - 13:46

+ Helen wrote:

I started on his when T = dc and -/- = 1 tr. what are the bit t's ?

19.10.2012 - 00:59

Thérèse Savage wrote:

Ce serait bien si vous faisiez une vidéo pour gaucher!

18.07.2012 - 22:59

ZARDE Dominique wrote:

Je n'ai pas trouvé le croquis du modèle 133-9 (chaussons) et ce que je fais ne ressemble à rien et surtout je n'arrive pas à respecter les mesures en me servant de deux fils en même temps.

06.12.2011 - 16:07

DROPS Design France answered:

Bonsoir Dominique,il n'existe pas de croquis pour les chaussons, en suivant les explications pas à pas, ils prendront forme sous votre crochet. Pour obtenir le bon échantillon,n'hésitez pas à changer de crochet pour un plus petit ou plus gros en fonction de votre cas. Pour toute aide complémentaire, contactez votre magasin ou le forum DROPS. Bon crochet!

06.12.2011 - 17:17

Maureen wrote:

I've just recently come across your tutuorials and they are a great help to me when converting crochet stitches from US to UK. Thank you, it's really appreciated.

23.11.2011 - 02:13

Emma McGee wrote:

I can not find instructions for dc in back loops only then continue to dc in front loops to make :cross:Pattern # 129-12

04.10.2011 - 00:11

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs McGee, this video may be the most relevant to work first round to this Crochet moebius pattern. Happy crocheting!

16.10.2014 - 13:59

Noname wrote:

Kiitos aikista ohjevideoista! Ne auttavat todella.

31.07.2011 - 14:09

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