How to work increases from the wrong side

Keywords: kabátky, lícový žerzej, pulovry, raglán, shora dolů,

In this DROPS video, we show how to increase with yarn over from the right side, both before a mark and after a mark, and how to work the increases from the wrong side.

To get the yarn over to face neatly towards each other from the wrong side, work like this before the marker: Work in the back loop of the yarn over (no hole). After the marker work like this: Slip the yarn over off the left needle, then replace it the other way round (insert the left needle from the back when replacing it). Work the front loop of the yarn over (no hole).

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video. You must read a pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find patterns using this technique by clicking on the pictures below.

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Komentáře (2)

Noora wrote:

Siis aivan susi tuo teidän sanallinen selostus. Ihan todella vaikeasti ymmärrettävä. Suosittelen järkevöittämään.

03.11.2023 - 21:53

Lavinia Edwards wrote:

Can’t view it!

09.11.2022 - 12:10

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