Jak plést zkrácené řady a pruhy u šátku DROPS 172-20

Keywords: pruhy, zkrácené řady, šály,

V této video-ukázce DROPS si ukážeme, jak plést začátek šátku DROPS 172-20. V některých jednodušších úsecích pleteme zrychleně.
Dle návodu pleteme šátek přízí DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk, ale v naší ukázce používáme silnější přízi, DROPS Snow.

Kromě této ukázky je nutné si přečíst také návod, úplný popis získáte kliknutím na fotku níže.

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Komentáře (6)

Ann Graf wrote:

Op deze manier krijg be toch veel gaten in je werk Is er geen mogelijkheid om verkorte toeren te breien in ribbelsteek zonder gaten in je breiwerk?

15.05.2024 - 07:56

Laura wrote:

Thank you I’ll try again on my work.

12.03.2022 - 05:57

Sandra Youngman wrote:

I am desperate to find help on Japanese Short Rows in the Round - for shoulder shaping and every one says that they are problomatic on the pick up of the wraps as I beging to knit a whole row trying to pick of the wraps , the first side is great but it is the second set of wrap that I just cannot get - any help sent to my email address would be greatly appreciated !

24.01.2020 - 23:03

Miriam wrote:

Es muy complicado entender los vídeos para quienes tejemos con el método inglés.. :(

18.10.2017 - 09:30

Denise Voiss wrote:

Confused and messed up...I have holes! After knitting the 6 stitch short rows across the entire row, (Section 1) Work 1 row over all sts from WS and inc as before.) Do you then knit a row, in the same color, across the row? As this is the point where I get holes. I then go on to Section 2 and knit the first six stitchs (with a YO at the begininning), turn it and knit back to the beginning where I knit 1, YO, then knit 12 stitches.How can I avoid the holes?

13.01.2017 - 22:24

Denise Voiss wrote:

No audio. Why would you not include it?

12.01.2017 - 17:56

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Voiss, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Enjoy!

13.01.2017 - 09:14

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