Video #473, listed in: Crochet Videos, Pattern tutorials, Textures, Crochet squares, Home / Crochet Patterns, Crochet pattern tutorials, Crochet Blankets
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Helen wrote:
Hello I just made a square for Bohemian Oasis using the recommended 5mm hook. I am wondering if the 5mm hook is the correct size for Drops Delight. My square is very lacy and does not lie flat. I know it will lie flat with blocking, but I have never had a crochet square look so wavy. Should I have used a smaller size crochet hook? Thank you for your help Helen
13.04.2022 - 18:36DROPS Design :
Dear Helen, the hook size is just a recommendation and will depend on your gauge. You need to work a gauge and check the size obtained, if it's smaller or bigger, and change to a bigger or smaller needle size accordingly. In your case, it seems the square is too loose, so you would need a smaller needle (one or two smaller sizes). If the square is too small with a smaller needles, you can work one or two more rows to reach the desired size. Happy crochetting!
14.04.2022 - 18:51Lena wrote:
Hei dere jeg er helt fersk hekler og jeg sliter litt med å forstå siste runde 4 på kanten. Hva menes med hopp over 3st og så 10st skulle gjerne hatt en video av denne. Mvh Lena🤪🙂
15.09.2021 - 23:52DROPS Design :
Hei Lena. Du skal hoppe over 3 staver som ble heklet på forrige rad og i den 4. staven skal det hekles 10 staver (i sammen maske, slik at det blir en "vifte"). Vi har foreløpig ingen video på akkurrat denne kanten, men ta en titt på denne videoen og spol frem til tiden 2:38 og se frem til 3:33. Den viser en lignende kant. Hvordan hekle viftekant rundt teppet i DROPS 163-1 mvh DROPS design
20.09.2021 - 11:06Fantastic Being Able To See It wrote:
Did I notice that the pattern of the square made was different to the pattern of the squares in the blanket at the end??
21.01.2017 - 03:59DROPS Design :
Hi, square in the blanket is the one shown here in the video - maybe make sure you are following pattern in the matching English (US and UK english crochet terminology are different). Happy crocheting!
23.01.2017 - 11:22Lies wrote:
Bedankt voor de video Ik kan een beetje haken maar met hulp van het filmpje is het me gelukt 1 vierkantje te haken Nu op naar een hele plaid!!!
09.03.2016 - 17:37Karen Davies wrote:
Thank you so much for your tutorial video I would not have been able to follow the pattern without it. Wonderful
04.01.2015 - 17:57Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *.
Marianne Kaspersen wrote:
Takk for denne gjennomgangen. Jeg har lurt på akkurat denne ruten og dette teppet lenge. Takk!
21.03.2016 - 07:43