Video #1735, je zařazeno do: Video-ukázky pletení, Sedlo, Raglán
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Steven napsala:
Hello. In the video, I can see you are making a yarn over in the the stitch marked. Does every product need to be made like that?(I am sorry if my grammar or vocabulaty is bad)
16.05.2024 - 17:12DROPS Design Odpověď:
Dear Steven, depending on the pattern you might have to increase a different way as there are many techniques to increase, so just make sure to follow the pattern and if you have doubts, feel free to ask your question under the pattern you are working on so that we can check together. Happy knitting!
17.05.2024 - 09:58Susan Kilbride napsala:
236-16...Early. Morning Mist: : Explanation for the pattern: RAGLAN says: Increase for the body BEFORE markers 1 and 3 and AFTER markers 2 and 4 when working from the right side/after markers 1 and 3 and before markers 2 and 4 when working from the wrong side.........Does this mean you only increase 1 stitch at each marker? ?? Because in the instructions further down for the neckline you say to " increase to RAGLAN – read description above, on EACH SIDE. side of the 4 marker-stitches ".
28.04.2024 - 12:32DROPS Design Odpověď:
Dear Susan, you should have the piece as follows: half back piece, marker 1, sleeve, marker 2, front piece, marker 3, sleeve, marker 4, half back piece. Sometimes, you increase both for the sleeves and body pieces; therefore, you increase on each side of the marker (= 8 increased stitches). However, when you want to increase only for the body pieces or sleeves you will only increase on the sides of the markers which will affect the desired part; for the sleeves after markers 1 and 3 and before markers 2 and 4 and for the body before markers 1 and 3 and after markers 2 and 4. So you increase only 4 stitches in each of those cases. Happy knitting!
29.04.2024 - 00:23Frances napsala:
About the markers. Do the markers go between the two stitches, at beg and end of raglan, so on raglan there are 16 sts in all on 4 th size. I really have no idea what is happening on video, I’m afraid, so will increase sts my own way. Neither pattern or video help ful in this case
09.04.2024 - 22:13DROPS Design Odpověď:
Dear Frances, this might depend on the pattern, feel free to ask your question at the bottom of the related pattern or tell us which pattern number you are working on. Thanks for your comprehension.
10.04.2024 - 07:58Annie Lawson napsala:
I can't get the sound or the captions to work on this video. Really need it - please help, Annie
08.03.2024 - 20:17DROPS Design Odpověď:
Dear Annie, our videos have no sound since they are used for all our different languages. Some of them may have captions but most of them rely on either the text under the video (with the video as an example of the text) or the pattern you are working (so you may open them side by side and watch while reading the pattern instructions). Happy knitting!
10.03.2024 - 19:44Marcia napsala:
The Forest Trails Jumper references a Diagram A-1. I am having trouble finding this diagram as the only diagram I see is the size/measurement diagram. Can you please let me know where I can find the diagram referenced in this pattern? Thank you
17.01.2024 - 11:45DROPS Design Odpověď:
Dear Marcia, in this pattern you will find the diagram A.1 next to measurement chart, on the right side, below sleeve. It's a small diagram over 2 sts and 2 rows. Happy knitting!
18.01.2024 - 09:08Guevel napsala:
Bonjour Je viens de commencer le gilet children47-3 Je ne comprends pas les augmentations de l'encolure en rangs raccourcis Merci pour votre aide Cordialement S Guevel
27.12.2023 - 12:09DROPS Design Odpověď:
Bonjour Mme Guevel, on tricote des rangs raccourcis pour que l'encolure dos soit plus haute, en commençant sur l'envers, vous tricotez d'abord jusqu'à 2 mailles après le fil marqueur-1, puis vous tournez et tricotez sur l'endroit jusqu'à 2 mailles après le fil marqueur 4 en même temps, vous augmentez pour le raglan comme indiqué sous RAGLAN, tournez et continuez ainsi en tricotant 2 m en plus à la fin de chaque rang de chaque côté et en augmentant tous les rangs sur l'endroit pour le raglan jusqu'à ce que vous ayez tricoté les 7 rangs de l'encolure. Vous avez alors augmenté 3 fois (3 rangs sur l'endroit). Bon tricot!
09.01.2024 - 08:12Tullia napsala:
Buongiorno. Avrei bisogno di aiuto. studiando il modello 243-12, per fare maglione per figlia a natale, non mi tornano i conti di maglie e aumenti prima dello sprone: per taglia L, partirei con 88 punti, per finire con 104, aumentando di 1 per manica e 7 per fronte e retro, ma il numero di maglie delle istruzioni per la L è (6 + 1 )x2 + (26+7)x2 = 14+66 = 80 ovvero addirittura meno delle maglie di partenza. Cosa sto sbagliando nella lettura delle istruzioni=? grazie per l'aiuto.
02.11.2023 - 18:40DROPS Design Odpověď:
Buonasera Tullia, per la taglia L si lavora in questo modo: Lavorare A.1 (6 m), 6 m. dir + 1 m., A.1 (6 m), 26 m dir + 7 m, A.1 (6 m), 6 m dir + 1 m, A.1 (6 m), 26 m dir + 7 m = 6+6+1+6+26+7+6+6+1+6+26+7= 104 maglie. Si ricordi di scrivere direttamente sotto la pagina del modello. Buon lavoro!
16.11.2023 - 21:01Suzanne Boudreau napsala:
J'apprécie les tutos mais serait-il possible de nous les montrer au ralenti ? Ça va beaucoup trop vite quand on est pas habitués merci beaucoup
07.10.2023 - 19:18Joke Stoeten napsala:
Raglan met verkorte toeren. Op het filmpje op you tube wordt er alleen op de rechte kanten gemeerderd. Ik snap niet hoe het op de rechte en averechte kant moet.
30.08.2023 - 11:59Vaši emailovou adresu nezveřejníme. Povinná pole jsou označena *.
Mieke Proost napsala:
Het filmpje gaat veel te snel bij het meerderen, het is niet te volgen. Jammer
26.04.2024 - 09:04