How to knit a hood

Keywords: hood,

In this DROPS video we show how you can knit a hood.

When you want to add a knitted hood to a garment you pick up sts from the right side around the neck opening or knit the hood separate as in the video and sew it to the garment afterward. Knit back and forth on needles until desired length of hood.
In this video we are knitting in stockinette with 3 sts in garter each side towards the face opening. When the hood is finished, you bind off, fold double and sew from RS with stitches the same size as the knitted stitches. The seam will be invisible.

An alternative to bind off is to do a 3-needle bind off, or sew together the sides with kitchener sts, and you can find separate videos for that here in our video library.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow. You’ll find patterns where you can use this technique by clicking on the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (30)

Elisabeth Rinaldi wrote:

Alle tiders med de videoer; f.eks opslaaning af masker i fortsättlesen af arbejdet og sammensyning. Mange tak her fra Schweiz Elisabeth

10.01.2012 - 15:59

Dana wrote:

I want if I can help someone to show me a video how I can knit hat helmet, multumes

20.04.2011 - 10:01

Veronica Pedreros wrote:

Muy util sobre todo la costura ,realmente ayuda

27.03.2011 - 15:16

Paola Sanchez wrote:

Me encanta su pagina en especial este de la capucha, esta facil de entender muchas gracias!.

25.03.2011 - 00:56

Sylvia Lithgow wrote:

Merci beaucoup pour la video, j'avais essaye le grafting sans grand succes, cette technique semble tres facile, je vais essaye, tres bonne visibilite.

04.02.2011 - 22:57

Linda wrote:

Do you have a video on how to sew this to a piece? I need to know how to attach it! Thank you for this video :^)

07.11.2010 - 22:35

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Linda, you can use different techniques to sew the sts together, either grafting, or "shoulder seam", or 3-needle bind off - you will find all these videos under our Video Index. Happy knitting!

16.10.2014 - 15:38

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