Bonjour, il n'y a pas le diagramme???
13.01.2025 - 22:49DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Girardot, vous trouverez le diagramme A.1 à côté du schéma des mesures, à droite - c'est un petit diagramme de 2 mailles x 4 rangs. Bon tricot!
14.01.2025 - 10:42Claudine wrote:
Bonjour DOS : = 140-146-152-158-164-172 m. Continuer en jersey sur les m centrales mais tricoter les 6 m de chaque côté au point mousse jusqu'à la fin. Je suppose que ces 6mailles ne se font pas de chaque côté des mailles centrales mais au début et à la fin de chaque rang Heureusement que j ai regardé le modèle de plus près Pouvez-vous confirmer Cordialement
18.10.2023 - 17:49DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Claudine, tricotez maintenant en jersey avec les 6 mailles de chaque côté au point mousse, autrement dit, commencez et terminez chaque rang par 6 mailles point mousse et tricotez les autres mailles en jersey. Bon tricot!
19.10.2023 - 08:03Claudine wrote:
Bonjour En ce qui concerne le DEVANT, à 30cm, il faut augmenter de 11 mailles pour la taille L de chaque côté Je suppose que ces mailles doivent être tricotées au point mousse plus les 4 suivantes C est bien cela ? Merci pour votre retour
16.10.2023 - 20:16DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Claudine, effectivement, ces 11 nouvelles mailles de chaque côté se tricotent au point mousse, pour avoir ainsi une bordure de 15 mailles point mousse de chaque côté. Bon tricot!
17.10.2023 - 09:35ELKE ROCKENFELLER wrote:
Hallo Helferlein \r\nLeider verstehe ich die Anleitung A1 nicht, so wie es gezeichnet ist, würden die Maschen ja immer weniger?!\r\nLG Elke
29.01.2022 - 21:29DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Elke, schauen Sie dieses Video, ab 06:26 zeigt man mit ein Diagram "A.4" wie man das gleiche Muster wie A.1 in diesem Modell strikt. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
31.01.2022 - 10:31Marcia Ebert wrote:
I see no diagram A-1 in the pattern. Are there supposed to be other diagrams? What is the stitch pattern for he diagram?
30.01.2020 - 20:35DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Ebert, you will find A.1 diagram on the right side of measurement chart, it's a small diagram over 2 stitches and 4 rows. Happy knitting!
31.01.2020 - 07:18Fabiana wrote:
Scusate non riesco a trovare il diagramma A1 per il punto. Mi potete aiutare ? Grazie mille
05.01.2020 - 18:20DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Fabiana, il diagramma A.1 è in piccolo, alla destra dello schema delle misure. Buon lavoro!
05.01.2020 - 18:23Helga Amorim wrote:
Não consigo compreender as explicações e a correspondência com o esquema.
20.08.2018 - 00:58Mieke Schuller wrote:
Sorrie, dit was een vraag:Nu ik de kantgebreide bovenkant af heb, zie ik dat het pand scheef loopt. Wat er aan een kant af gegaan is, is er aan de andere kant bijgekomen . Het helt nu naar links. Ik heb vanaf de boord en vanaf de goede kant als volgt begonnen A1 dus: Naald 1: 1 kantst.,2r sam., 1 omslag etc. Naald 2: hele naald recht . Naald 3: 1 kantst., 1 omslag, 1 st. recht afhalen, 1 st. recht, afgehaalde st. overhalen, etc. Naald 4: alles recht. Ik was al op 50 cm, wat ging mis?
18.02.2017 - 16:31DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Mieke. Het lijkt dat je hebt gemeerderd aan de ene kant, het is belangrijk dat je steeds de minderingen/omslagen op dezelfde manier doet - en dat je hetzelfde aantal st aanhoudt.
22.02.2017 - 12:25Mieke Schuller wrote:
Nu ik de kantgebreide bovenkant af heb, zie ik dat het pand scheef loopt. Wat er aan een kant af gegaan is, is er aan de andere kant bijgekomen . Het helt nu naar links. Ik heb vanaf de boord en vanaf de goede kant als volgt begonnen A1 dus: Naald 1: 1 kantst.,2r sam., 1 omslag etc. Naald 2: hele naald recht . Naald 3: 1 kantst., 1 omslag, 1 st. recht afhalen, 1 st. recht, afgehaalde st. overhalen, etc. Naald 4: alles recht. Ik was al op 50 cm, wat ging mis?
16.02.2017 - 18:08Mieke Schuller wrote:
Het lijkt of de omvang van maat S 127cm is. Met mijn omvang van 125 cm heb ik maat 48 en dus zeker geen S. Ik snap het dus niet.
23.01.2017 - 14:39
Betsy |
Knitted DROPS jacket with lace pattern in ”Snow”. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 141-28 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. PATTERN: See diagram A.1, diagram shows 1 pattern repetition seen from RS. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row work YO twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes. -------------------------------------------------------- JACKET: Worked back and forth on needle in one. Start at the top of front piece and cast on for back piece afterwards. FRONT PIECE: Cast on 84-84-88-88-92-96 sts on circular needle size 8 mm with Snow. On 1st row (= RS) work rib as follows: 1 edge st in GARTER ST - see explanation above, * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-*, finish with K 2 and 1 edge st in garter st. Continue rib with 1 edge st in garter st in each side for 5 cm. On last row from WS, K while AT THE SAME TIME dec 16-14-16-14-16-16 sts evenly on row = 68-70-72-74-76-80 sts. On next row from RS work as follows: 1 edge st in garter st, work A.1 and finish with 1 edge st in garter st. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Continue with pattern with 1 edge st in garter st in each side until piece measures 18-18-20-20-22-22 cm (last row = WS). At the end of the next 2 rows cast on 3 sts in each side = 74-76-78-80-82-86 sts - while AT THE SAME TIME continuing pattern over the middle 66-68-70-72-74-78 sts and work the outermost 4 sts (3 new sts + 1 edge st from earlier = sleeve edges) each side in garter st. When piece measures 26-28-30-32-33-35 cm, work last row from WS as follows: K over all sts - while AT THE SAME TIME inc 8 sts in all sizes - READ INCREASE TIP - evenly over the middle sts, (not over the outermost 4 sts in garter st) = 82-84-86-88-90-94 sts. At the end of the next 2 rows, cast on 9-11-11-13-13-15 sts in each side = 100-106-108-114-116-124 sts - AT THE SAME TIME work in stocking st over the middle sts. Continue in stocking st over the middle sts - but work the outermost 13-15-15-17-17-19 sts (= sleeve edge) in each side in garter st. Continue to work like this until piece measures 29-31-33-35-37-38 cm (last row = WS). At the end of the next 2 rows, cast on 20-20-22-22-24-24 sts in each side = 140-146-152-158-164-172 sts - AT THE SAME TIME work in stocking st over the middle sts. BACK PIECE: = 140-146-152-158-164-172 sts. Continue in stocking st over the middle sts but work the 6 sts in each side in garter st until finished measurements. When piece measures 62-66-70-74-78-83 cm, K over all sts on last row from WS - AT THE SAME TIME dec 20-20-20-20-20-22 sts evenly over the middle sts (not over the 6 sts in garter st in each side) = 120-126-132-138-144-150 sts remain. Then work A.1 - but continue the outermost 6 sts in garter st until finished measurements - until piece measures 74-78-82-87-91-96 cm. On last row from WS, K over all sts - while AT THE SAME TIME inc 22-24-26-28-30-32 sts evenly over the middle sts (not over the 6 sts in garter st in each side) = 142-150-158-166-174-182 sts. Then work rib on next row from RS as follows: 6 sts in garter st, * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-* until 8 sts remain, finish with K 2 and 6 sts in garter st. Continue rib with 6 sts in garter st in each side until piece measures 77-81-85-90-94-99 cm, loosely cast off all sts with K over K and P over P. ASSEMBLY: Sew edge A against edge B - see chart - in front loop of outermost st = side seam, the remaining opening is left armhole. Sew tog short sides on sleeve edge. Repeat the same way with edge C and edge D in the other side (= right side seam and armhole). |
Diagram explanations |
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