Susanna wrote:
It seems that DROPS big delight was discontinued. Which yarn would you suggest as a replacement? Thank you!
15.07.2024 - 09:38DROPS Design answered:
Hi Suzanna, you can replace 1 strand of DROPS Big Delight by 2 strands of DROPS Fabel. There are so many nice colours there. Happy crocheting!
15.07.2024 - 10:04
Torill wrote:
Hei. Oppskriften sier 2 farger, men teppet på bildet har flere farger. Er bildet eller oppskriften feil?
11.10.2021 - 17:06DROPS Design answered:
Hei Torill, Big Delight er et garn som har flere farger i hvert nøste og som gir fargeblandingen du ser på bildet. God fornøyelse!
12.10.2021 - 07:13
Monica Jakobsen wrote:
Hei, Jeg får ikke helt til overgangen mellom omgang 2 og 3. Dvs fra omgangen med enkelt stav til omgangen som danner firkant. Skal siste stav festet til de 5 luftmaskene på starten av omgangen? Så over til 2 luftmasker og så starte på hjørnet. Vet ikke om dere klarer å gi meg en forklaring på hvordan dette skal være. På for hånd takk:) Mvh Monica
26.02.2020 - 10:38DROPS Design answered:
Hej Monica, sidste st på omgang 2 hækler du i sidste dobbelt-st, så 1 kjedemaske i 4.lm fra starten af omgangen. Nu hekler du 2 lm for at komme op på 3.omgang, 3 st i 5-lm-buen, 3 lm og 3 st i samme luftmaskebue osv. God fornøjelse!
26.02.2020 - 12:02
Lisa Szkotak Jensen wrote:
Kan ikke se antal gram for farve min t og antal gram for farve chokolade - som skulle give 900 gram IALT ??? Mvh Lisa
06.02.2020 - 18:20DROPS Design answered:
Hej Färgen heter mintchokolade och är en printfärg så du behöver 900 g av den färgen (nr 03) och 295 g kidsilk natur (nr 01) totalt. Lycka till!
07.02.2020 - 12:21
Marcela wrote:
Me agradó este modelo muchas gracias,
19.01.2020 - 05:58
Bente Ramberg wrote:
Hei, jeg får ikke garnmengden til å stemme i denne oppskriften ved bruk av 2 tråder (en av hver) Big delight 9 nøster blir 1.710 meter og Kid-Silk 7 nøter blir 1400 meter. Men, det er bør vel være flere nøster/meter av Kid-Silk, siden dette garnet skal brukes dobbelt til sammenhekling og kant rundt teppet? Mvh Bente
27.09.2019 - 15:30
FLO wrote:
Ce modèle est trés beau mais je ne comprends pas comment on passe au rang supérieur
06.09.2019 - 20:41DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour flo, à la fin du 2ème tour (quand vous arrivez aux 5 mailles en l'air du début du tour), crochetez 2 mailles en l'air puis 3 brides, 3 mailles en l'air, 3 brides dans l'arceau de 5 mailles en l'air du début du tour. À la fin des tours suivants, terminez par 3 brides dans l'arceau de 2 mailles en l'air et 3 brides, 3 mailles en l'air, 3 brides dans l'arceau de 3 mailles en l'air du 1er groupe de brides. Bon crochet!
09.09.2019 - 08:06
Tiziana Gervasutti wrote:
Colori delicatissimi
06.06.2019 - 22:57
Mavi Bennati wrote:
Bellissimi colori
05.06.2019 - 20:14
November Nights |
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Crocheted blanket with squares in DROPS Big Delight and Drops Kid-Silk.
DROPS 203-4 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- CHAIN STITCH: If you work outermost on the hook the chain stitch will often be too tight; 1 chain stitch should be as long as 1 double crochet is wide PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.4. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- BLANKET – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The blanket is made up of 30 similar squares. The squares are worked in the round from the centre outwards making a square. SQUARE: Work 6 chain stitches – read CHAIN STITCH, with hook size 6 mm and 1 strand Big Delight + 1 strand Kid Silk (= 2 strands) and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch worked. Then work in the round according to diagram A.1. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When the whole diagram has been completed, cut and fasten the strand. The square measures approx. 20 x 20 cm. ASSEMBLY: Lay the squares out, with 5 squares in width and 6 squares in length. Lay 2 squares together with wrong side to wrong side. Work through both layers with 2 strands Kid-Silk as follows: ** 1 double crochet around the corner, * 3 chain stitches, skip the next 3 treble crochets, work 1 double crochet around the next chain-space *. Work from *-* up to and including the next corner and work 3 chain stitches (= transition to the next 2 squares) **. Repeat from **-** along the whole row and finish with 1 double crochet around the last corner. Cut and fasten the strands. Continue like this until all the lengths have been worked together. Then work the lengths together in width. EDGE: Now work an edge around the whole blanket with 2 strands Kid-Silk. Start by working around one of the corners of the blanket. Fasten the strand with 1 slip stitch around the chain-space in the corner, work 3 chain stitches (replaces the first treble crochet in A.2), * work A.2 around the corner, repeat A.3 as far as the next corner of the blanket, but work according to A.4 in the transition between 2 squares *, work from *-* along the remaining 3 sides and finish with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round. |
Diagram explanations |
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