Andrea wrote:
So once we get to the inc on RS, just to clarify, are we then going k2 p2/3/4/5 on RS to p2 k2/3/4/5 on WS?
15.11.2017 - 06:26DROPS Design answered:
Dear Andrea, that's correct, the increase are done in the P-sections seen from RS, so that the number of P sts from RS and K sts from wS will inc (and then decrease on the 2nd half of headband). Happy knitting!
15.11.2017 - 08:55Katharina Splettstößer wrote:
Diese Anleitung ist nicht gut übersetzt! Anleitung: "Wenn die Arb. 8 cm mißt, alle 1 li. auf 2 li aufnehmen." Hä? Eine völlig unübliche Ausdrucksweise und irreführend. Gemeint ist wohl: Re M re str, aus jeder li M 2 M herausstricken (englisch pfb) 24 M. Wenn die Arb. 14 cm mißt, 1. M re, dann *aus der 1. li M 2 M herausstricken (pfb), 1 M li, 1 M re * 29 M Vielen Dank für die vielen kostenlosen Drops Anleitungen! Katharina
07.10.2017 - 22:09DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Splettstößer, danke für Ihre Rückmeldung, Anleitung wurde überarbeitet. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
09.10.2017 - 10:29
Mollie wrote:
My daughter wants a headband like this, but wants ties at the end (maybe cord?). Do you have a pattern like that, or any idea how I could make that?? Thanks!!
02.06.2017 - 14:15DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mollie! Thank you for your comment, this pattern is a favorite of ours to. If I would want to make this with ties, insted of sewing up at the ends, I would just turn about 0,5 -1 cm the casting on and casting off edges toward the wrong side, sew the edge down with a few stitches. Then make a tie and bull it through the casing I just seved, and tie with the two and two tie-ends held together. I hope this helps. Happy knitting!
08.06.2017 - 07:00
Iris wrote:
Hallo, leider komme ich mit den Abnahmen für die 2. Hälfte des Stirnbandes nicht zurecht. Muss ich linke oder rechte Maschen für die Abnahmen zusammenstricken? LG Iris
14.10.2016 - 08:25DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Iris, Sie müssen die linke Maschen abenehmen, und dies wird spiegelverkehrt gemacht, dh: 1. Abnahme 3 cm nach der Markierung, 2. Abnahme 6 cm nach der Markierung, 3. Abnahme 10 cm nach der Markierung und letzte Abnahme 16 cm nach der Markierung = es bleiben 19 M (2 M re, 1 M li).
14.10.2016 - 09:30
Christina wrote:
Ich habe ein Stirnband mit Brushed Alpaca Silk gemacht - wunderschön und federleicht! Leichter wäre es allerdings geworden, wäre in der Beschreibung angegeben, wie die Rückreihen zu stricken sind. So musste ich es mir aus den Kommentaren raussuchen. Aber das Ergebnis ist super.
18.07.2016 - 11:13
Gail Thorpe wrote:
Can you tell me which Alaska brown is featured in this pattern? Thank you!
02.05.2016 - 20:07DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Thorpe, in this pattern it's used Alaska colour n° 50, dark brown. Happy knitting!
02.05.2016 - 20:11France wrote:
Bonjour est ce possible d'avoir le patron du bandeau en Français. Merci
11.02.2016 - 05:53DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour France, vous pouvez obtenir les explications en français de tous nos modèles en cliquant sur la flèche sous la photo, sélectionnez "français" - voir ici Bon tricot!
11.02.2016 - 10:49
Christine Fabiani wrote:
Hi! Thanks so much for this pattern. It will be perfect for Knots of Love's brain surgery patients. Knots of Love donates over 1,000 pieces EVERY WEEK to chemo patients and blankets to fragile new lives in incubators. Much love and many blessings, Christine M. Fabiani
17.01.2016 - 17:05Amanda wrote:
"bind off an sew"
21.12.2015 - 17:40
Amanda wrote:
Once finished, do you use a button and buttonhole or sew the ends together? How do you finish? I don't see this included in the directions. Thanks.
21.12.2015 - 14:16DROPS Design answered:
Dear Amanda, after you have cast off sts, sew cast-off edge to cast-on edge. Happy knitting!
22.12.2015 - 10:10
Saturn Rings |
DROPS Headband in Alaska and Shawl in Vienna
DROPS 86-10 |
Gauge: 18 sts x 23 rows in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm Headband: Start at center back. Cast on 19 sts. Work in rib as follows: Row 1 (right side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), * K 2, P 1 * repeat a total of 5 times – finish row with K 2 and K 1 (edge st knit in garter st). Row 2 (wrong side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), * P 2, K 1 * repeat a total of 5 times – finish row with P 2 and K 1 (edge st knit in garter st). Make all incs on right side rows, inc by P 2 sts into 1 P stitch. When the piece measures 8 cm all P 1 to P 2 = 24 sts. When the piece measures 14 cm all P 2 to P 3 = 29 sts. When the piece measures 18 cm all P 3 to P 4 = 34 sts. When the piece measures 21 cm inc all P 4 to P 5 = 39 sts. When the piece measures 24 cm place a marker = this is the center of headband. Now reverse shaping – measure from marker. Make all decs on right side rows, dec by P2 tog. When the piece measures 3 cm dec all P 5 to P 4 = 34 sts. When the piece measures 6 cm dec all P 4 to P 3 = 29 sts. When the piece measures 10 cm dec all P 3 to P 2 = 24 sts. When the piece measures 16 cm dec all P 2 to P 1 = 19 sts. When the piece measures a total of 48 cm bind off and sew to cast on edge. ----------------------------------------------------- SHAWL : Measurements: Length: 100 cm Width: 205 cm Materials: VIENNA from Garnstudio 200 gr nr 43, light brown DROPS 15 mm needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge. Gauge: 5 sts x 9 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm (this is loosely knit) Shawl: Cast on 4 sts and knit garter st, increasing 1 st at one side every other row. Inc by knitting 2 sts in 1 st. Continue incs until there are 50 sts, the piece measures approx. 102 cm. Now dec on the same side as incs – dec every other row by K 2 tog the 2 outermost sts. Continue dec until 4 sts remain, the piece measures approx. 205 cm, bind off. Fringe: Fasten fringe tufts along both sides approx. 4-5 cm apart – start at point at lower edge. Cut 6 strands 35 cm long, fold in half, pull folded end through outermost st and pull ends through loop. |
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