Cathrin Klappauf wrote:
Hallo, ich bin leicht verwirrt, am Anfang ist geschrieben dass die Arbeit hin und zurück gestrickt wird. In laufenenden Text wird dann aber von Runden und nicht Reihen geschrieben. Es werden auch keine Seiten zusammen genäht. Ich hätte es jetzt rund gestrickt. Was ist jetzt richtig?
13.02.2022 - 13:26DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Klappauf, hier ist etwas falsch in die deutsche Anleitung, Rumpfteil wird von unten nach oben in Runden gestrickt, dann teilen Sie für die Armausschnitte und stricken jedes Teil in Hin- und Rück-Reihen separat bis zur Ende. Danke für den Hinweis,eine Korrektur erfolgt. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
14.02.2022 - 10:22
Bogusia wrote:
Witam serdecznie. Chciałabym zrobić ten sweter w jednym kolorze w rozmiarze S. Ile włóczki powinnam zakupić?
05.01.2019 - 00:52DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Bogusiu! 700 g (14 motków) powinno wystarczyć. Ale na wszelki wypadek wzięłabym 15 motków. Pozdrawiamy!
05.01.2019 - 19:50
Sila wrote:
Me ha quedado monisimo. Estoy muy contenta
05.03.2015 - 19:36Ariane wrote:
Je veux faire ce chandail, mais je ne trouve pas quelle taille correspond à quelles mensuration/ I want to do this piece, but I can't find which size fits which measurments
29.08.2013 - 19:32DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Ariane, à la fin des explications, vous trouverez un schéma avec toutes les mesures du pull terminé, pour chaque taille. Comparez avec un vêtement analogue dont vous aimez la forme pour choisir la taille qui vous convient. Bon tricot!
30.08.2013 - 12:24
Maria Eklund wrote:
Tänker göra denna i endast en färg, någon av de nya färgerna 77 eller 78. Väldigt snygga tweed-varianter!
27.06.2012 - 16:05
DROPS Design wrote:
Har regnet etter. Skal passe fint hvis man holder strikkefastheten. Strikker du evt. strammere fra og tilbake en rund?
23.09.2011 - 09:11
JOhanna wrote:
Hej! Som jag uppfattar det är det fel i beskrivningen av ärmen. Själva ärmkullen blir för kort järfört med omkretsen på ärmhålet i livet. / JOhanna
22.09.2011 - 18:06
Lise wrote:
Hurra! Må ha, må ha...skal bo i den jeg og :))
18.06.2011 - 02:41
Nina wrote:
Deilig, denne kommer jeg til å bo i i vinter
14.06.2011 - 21:45
Camilla wrote:
Fed fed sweater, den skal jeg bo i hele efteråret!
14.06.2011 - 11:10
Ginny |
Knitted sweater with stripes and shawl collar in DROPS Snow. Sizes S-XXXL
DROPS 135-23 |
PATTERN: See diagram M.1 - diagram is worked in stockinette st. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row K YOs twisted, i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front, to avoid holes. -------------------------------------------------------- BODY: Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 96-108-114-126-138-150 sts on circular needle size 7 mm / US 10½ with light beige mix. Work rib = K 3/P 3 for 3 cm / 1⅛". Switch to circular needle size 8 mm / US 11 and K 1 round. Insert a marker at beg of round and a marker after 48-54-57-63-69-75 sts (these marks the sides). Continue with diagram M.1 until finished measurements. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! When piece measures 15-16-17-18-19-20 cm / 6"-6¼"-6¾"-7"-7½"-8", dec 1 st BEFORE both markers by K 2 tog = 94-106-112-124-136-148 sts. Continue to work until piece measures 25-26-27-28-29-30 cm / 9¾"-10¼"-10⅝"-11"-11⅜"-11¾", now dec 1 st AFTER both markers by K 2 twisted tog = 92-104-110-122-134-146 sts. When piece measures 35-36-37-38-39-40 cm / 13¾"-14¼"-14½"-15"-15¼"-15¾", inc 1 st BEFORE both markers - SEE INCREASE TIP! And when piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm / 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾", inc 1 st AFTER both markers = 96-108-114-126-138-150 sts. When piece measures 48-49-50-51-52-53 cm / 19"-19¼"-19¾"-20"-20½"-21", work next round as follows: bind off 3 sts for armhole, work 15-18-19-22-24-27 sts (= left front piece), bind off 12-12-13-13-15-15 sts for neck, work 15-18-19-22-24-27 sts (= right front piece), bind off 6 sts for armhole, work 42-48-51-57-63-69 sts (= back piece), bind off the last 3 sts for armhole, cut the thread. Finish each part separately. BACK PIECE: = 42-48-51-57-63-69 sts. Continue diagram M.1 - AT THE SAME TIME bind off for armholes at beg of every row in each side: 2 sts 0-1-1-2-2-3 times and 1 st 1-1-2-2-4-4 times = 40-42-43-45-47-49 sts remain on needle. When piece measures 65-67-69-71-73-75 cm / 25½"-26⅜"-27⅛"-28"-28¾"-29½", bind off the middle 16-16-17-17-19-19 sts for neck. Finish each shoulder (= 12-13-13-14-14-15 sts) separately. Bind off when piece measures 68-70-72-74-76-78 cm / 26¾"-27½"-28⅜"-29⅛"-30"-30¾". RIGHT FRONT PIECE: = 15-18-19-22-24-27 sts. Continue to bind off for armhole in the side as on back piece – AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 51-52-53-54-55-56 cm / 20"-20½"-21"-21¼"-21⅝"-22", bind off 1 st towards mid front for neck. Repeat bind off when piece measures 56-57-58-59-60-61 cm / 22"-22½"-22¾"-23¼"-23½"-14". After all bind offs are done, 12-13-13-14-14-15 sts remain on needle. Bind off when piece measures approx. 68-70-72-74-76-78 cm / 26¾"-27½"-28⅜"-29⅛"-30"-30¾" – bind off on same row in pattern as on back piece. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Work as right front piece but reversed. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 30-30-30-36-36-36 sts on double pointed needles size 7 mm / US 10½ with light beige mix. Work rib = K 3/P 3 for 7 cm / 2¾". Switch to double pointed needles size 8 mm / US 11, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 4-4-2-6-4-4 sts evenly = 26-26-28-30-32-32 sts. Insert a marker at beg of round (= mid under sleeve). Continue with diagram M.1. When piece measures 11 cm / 4½", inc 1 st on each side of marker mid under sleeve. Repeat inc every 5½-4½-4½-4-4-3 cm / 2¼"-1¾"-1¾"-1½"-1½"-1⅛" a total of 7-8-8-9-9-10 times = 40-42-44-48-50-52 sts. When piece measures 49-48-47-46-45-44 cm / 19¼"-19"-18½"-18"-17¾"-17¼" (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and wider shoulders), bind off 6 sts mid under sleeve (i.e. 3 sts on each side of marker) and work back and forth until finished measurements. AT THE SAME TIME continue to bind off for sleeve cap at beg of every row in each side: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 1-2-3-4-4-5 times. Then bind off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 55 cm / 2⅝". Then bind off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Bind off the remaining sts, the piece measures approx. 57 cm / 22½" for all sizes. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. SHAWL COLLAR: Beg mid front on left side of sts bind off for neck. Pick up on circular needle size 7 mm / US 10½ with light beige mix: 24 to 30 sts up to shoulder, then pick up 20 to 24 sts in back of neck and finally 24 to 30 sts down along left side of neck = 68 to 84 sts. (Do not pick up sts in front of neck where sts were bind off.) K 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME adjusting no of sts to 70-74-78-82-86-90. Continue to K back and forth until edge measures approx. 8-8-8-9-9-9 cm / 3"- 3"- 3"-3½"-3½"-3½". On next row from RS inc 12 sts evenly as follows: K 13-15-17-19-21-23 sts, * make 1 YO, K 4 sts *, repeat from *-* a total of 12 times, K the rest of row (= 9-11-13-15-17-19 sts). On next row K YOs twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes = 82-86-90-94-98-102 sts. Continue to K back and forth until edge measures 11-11-12-12-14-14 cm / 4½"-4½"-4¾"-4¾"-5½"-5½". Loosely bind off. Place the collar double at the bottom of neck opening and sew it to the neck line through both layers. |
Diagram explanations |
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