How to read knitting diagrams

A knitting diagram consists of squares. 1 square = 1 stitch - the symbol definition provide information on how the stitch is worked. The diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side (unless otherwise specified).

A diagram looks like this:

  1. A.1 is the name of the diagram, and refer to the entire diagram.
  2. A.2 is only the part of the diagram within the square brackets.
  3. This number refers to the number of stitches on the 1st row of the diagram.
  4. This is the symbol definition: it explains how each stitch is worked, or in what colour (in multicoloured patterns).

You read a knitting diagram completely opposite to how you would normally read: from right to left, from bottom to top. In other words: you start with the symbol in the bottom right corner, and work your way leftwards and upwards (see RED in diagram below). If you are supposed to start at a different point/with a different stitch, will this be specified - for example: the different sizes can start at different places in the same diagram (see BLUE box below).

If you are supposed to work several repeats of a diagram (ie: work the same diagram several times in width) you’ll work until the end of the diagram row, and start again with the first stitch for the next repeat.

Back and forth:

When working back and forth, every other row will be worked from the right side and every other row will be worked from the wrong side. Since the diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side, you’ll have to work it in opposite way when working from the wrong side (see BLUE arrows in diagram below): you read the row from left to right, knit stitches are purled, and purl stitches are knit etc (this will often be specified in symbol definition: “knit from right side, purl from wrong side”).

In the round:

When working in the round all rounds are worked from the right side, and the diagram is read solely from right to left. When starting a new round, simply start working the first symbol on the next row in diagram.

Several different diagrams worked consecutively on the row/round:

If you’re working several different diagrams after each other on the same row/round, work as follows: Work 1st row in diagram 1, continue with 1st row in diagram 2, then 1st row in diagram 3 etc. REMEMBER: if you’re working back and forth, the diagram will have to be worked in the opposite order from the wrong side - ie: start with diagram 3, then diagram 2 and lastly diagram 1. They are also worked in opposite way as usual.

In the pattern this can be written as follows: “work A.1, A.2, A.3 a total of 1-1-2-3-4 times”. This means that you first work A.1, then A.2 and finally you repeat A.3 a total of 1-1-2-3-4 times (depending on your size). It is ONLY A.3 that is repeated, A.1 and A.2 are worked 1 time each.

When stitch count doesn’t match whole repeats of diagram:

Sometimes the stitch count is not divisible with full/whole repeats of the diagram in width. For example: A.1 covers 12 stitches and is to be repeated over 40 stitches. In this case you will work 3 full repeats of A.1 (=36 stitches), and then work the first 4 stitches in the diagram over the remaining stitches (see RED line below). This is usually the case where the diagram is a repetitive pattern, so that regardless of working full repeats, the pattern will still be consistent.

Comments (611)

Sabrina wrote:

Hoi Drops, Duidelijke uitleg. Wat ik mij afvraag, als je een project bijvoorbeeld een trui van boven naar beneden breid. Lees je het patroon dan ook vanaf onder rechts? Of moet je het dan omdraaien. Ik werk nu aan Drops baby Leaf. Dit is een trui van boven naar beneden. Het is me niet duidelijk waar het patroon begint. Groetjes

19.08.2023 - 08:28:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Sabrina,

De telpatronen lees je altijd van onder naar boven en van rechts naar links (aan de goede kant gezien), ook als je het kledingstuk van boven naar onder breit.

20.08.2023 - 15:58:

Henna wrote:

How to knit 1 yo between 2 stitches

17.08.2023 - 12:40:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Henna, in this video we show how to make a yarn over between 2 stitches - depending on the pattern/diagram, work the stitch before and the stitch after just as shown in the diagram. Happy knitting!

17.08.2023 - 14:26:

Inger Lise wrote:

Jeg strikker Tulip season str S. Det står at A1 skal strikkes 19 ganger. Får ikke dette til å stemme, får 22 gg + 3 masker. Strikker 2 rett 2 sammen ett kast 1 rett og ett kast? Har jeg tolket symbolene feil?

07.08.2023 - 11:43:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Inger Lise. I str. S har du 114 masker når du skal strikke 1. omgang, strikk A.1 (6 masker) 19 ganger = 6 x19 = 114 masker. På 2. omgang skal du i tillegg til hullmønstret (2 rett sammen + 1 kast) øke 19 ganger (sort ovalt ikon), altså du øker 19 ganger på omgangen = 114 + 19 = 133 masker. Når du øker (sort ovalt ikon), skal dette kastet strikkes vridd rett på neste omgang, slik at det ikke blir hull. Så når du strikker 3. omgang av diagram A.1 er 1 rapport av A.1 7 masker, og du strikker fremdeles 19 ganger av A.1 = 7x19=133 masker. mvh DROPS Design

14.08.2023 - 09:45:

Julie wrote:

I’m working on 178-66 and stuck on when the pattern says to work from the arrow in A.3 over the middle stitches on row. Does this mean that I find the middle stitches in the row ? It seems I will be separating the sleeves to work each on seperately. I’m unsure how long I use the A3 chart for. Hope that makes sense!? Thanks!!

06.08.2023 - 13:26:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Julie, yes, it's in the middle of the row. For example, if you have 87 stitches, it would be approx. stitches 41-47. You work A.3 from the arrow up to the top and then continue as explained (you don't need to repeat A.3). Happy knitting!

06.08.2023 - 21:28:

Marija wrote:

You guys are just great! Every time I start to knit a sweater, I forget how to read the diagram. And your tutorual is so intuitive that it takes just few minutes and I'm back on track. Thank you!! You are the best.

06.08.2023 - 08:00:

Ingrid C wrote:

Ik ben begonnen met het vest DROPS 151-4,. In het patroon staat zwarte vlakjes, die steek overslaan. Moet ik deze dan afkanten?? Samen breien?? Graag uitleg gr.ingrid

30.07.2023 - 13:38:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Ingrid,

Nee, je doet helemaal niks, het is namelijk geen steek. Als je het telpatroon uit zou knippen, dan zou je dat zwarte hokje eruit knippen. Dus je gaat gelijk verder met de volgende steek.

05.08.2023 - 07:35:

Marianne wrote:

Har svårt att tyda mönstret på dropps 232-15 modell no-057 Hur ska diagrammen stickas Väldigt otydligt på mönstret. Och stickas det hela oket?

26.07.2023 - 21:26:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Marianne Denne jakken har kun 3 små enkle diagrammer og det strikkes kun rett og vrangmasker. Les i oppskriften når og hvor diagrammene skal strikkes og følg diagramteksten på hvordan maskene skal strikkes. Diagram A.1, A.2 og A.3 strikkes / gjentas over hele bærestykket (oket). Tips: Sett maskemarkører mellom hvert diagram så har du en bedre oversikt. mvh DROPS Design

27.07.2023 - 07:27:

Maria Taub wrote:

I think I understand now that on page 9 of the Sweet Marigold pattern A3, A2, and A1 are for patterns 2-3/4 and 6/9- 12/18. Thus, I need to use the second row. Sorry to have become so anxious. I look forward to knitting this jacket. Thank you very much. Maria

26.07.2023 - 04:49:

Hilde wrote:

Hei! Strikker en lue der man i diagrammet skal starte på symbol nr 5 på første rad. Diagrammet skal gjentas i bredden, lurer da på om jeg skal begynne å lese diagrammet i rute 5 hver gang, eller om jeg skal begynne nederst i høyre hjørne når raden skal gjentas?

19.07.2023 - 22:05:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Hilde Hvilken DROPS oppskrift er dette (og hvilken str. strikker du etter, om det er ulike str)? Opplyses dette er det lettere for oss å gi deg et helt riktig svar. mvh DROPS Design

24.07.2023 - 09:12:

Ute Burrage Kruse wrote:

Hi, yes, of course, my mistake. It’s the 213-22 Lavender Charm Top. Thank you

18.07.2023 - 10:38:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Ute, the first stitch of the round is initially slipped because you work it at the end of the round. If you knit it at the very beginning and, because of the pattern, you need to knit it at the end of the round as well, the final knit stitch would look as in the next round and the pattern would get interrupted. Therefore, you maintain the number of stitches in the round and just initially slip the stitch and work it at the very end of the round. Happy knitting!

20.07.2023 - 11:32:

Ute Burrage wrote:

Hi, I’ve read all the comments and replies regarding the slipped stitch in route 17 and I’m afraid I still can’t make any sense of it. What is the difference if I slip a stitch or knit it? The number of stitches will still be the same.? Please help, what am I missing?

14.07.2023 - 23:15:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Ute, could you please indicate which pattern you are working so that we may better help you? Generally speaking, a slipped stitch hasn't been worked and will usually look lower than a worked/ knitted stitch. So, even if the number of stitches remains the same, the stitch will look different depending on whether you work it or slip it. Happy knitting!

17.07.2023 - 09:25:

Esther wrote:

Bonjour’ \\r\\nS’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous étudier la question de rajouter une section sur la lecture des diagrammes pour les gauchère dans l’article?\\r\\nQuand il s’agit de maille endroit, envers, il n’y a pas d’impact, mais quand il s’agit de jeté, de skk, d’inclinaison droite et gauche etc… ça change tout, le motif peut être complètement à l’envers… l’exercice n’est pas facile pour les débutants! \\r\\n\\r\\nMerci d’avance! \\r\\n

10.07.2023 - 12:30:

Verplaetse Katlijn wrote:

Ik brei de lila mist trui drops 230- 24. Ben net begonnen met het achterpand, na de eerste vier rijen moet ik verder gaan in patroon met een pijl, is dit dan in A.1 tot A.3 , of zijn dat A1 tot A5? Bedankt voor een duidelijk antwoord.

05.07.2023 - 15:01:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Katlijn,

Je gaat inderdaad gewoon verder met A.1 tot A.3

06.07.2023 - 21:24:

Verplaetse Katlijn wrote:

Ik brei de lila mist trui drops 230- 24. Ben net begonnen met het achterpand, na de eerste vier rijen moet ik verder gaan in patroon met een pijl, is dit dan in A.1 tot A.3 , of zijn dat A1 tot A5? Bedankt voor een duidelijk antwoord.

05.07.2023 - 14:59:

Isabelle wrote:

Bonjour .je suis en train de faire le modele du pull drops 236.29 et concernant les diagrammes est ce que je tricote en aller retour? je veut dire rendu a l envers je tricote la 2 iemes ligne cote gauche ou tout simplement comme elles se presentent ou si je fait la 2iemes ligne rendu qu au coté droit? merci de votre reponse !

27.06.2023 - 20:23:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Isabelle, les diagrammes montrent tous les rangs, vus sur l'endroit, autrement dit, sur l'endroit (rangs pairs), on lit les diagrammes de droite à gauche et sur l'envers (rangs impairs), on lit les diagrammes de gauche à droite; ainsi, dans ce modèle, une case blanche se tricote en jersey endroit (- à l'endroit sur l'endroit et à l'envers sur l'envers) et un carré noir se tricote en jersey envers (- à l'envers sur l'endroit et à l'endroit sur l'envers). Bon tricot!

28.06.2023 - 08:38:

Margoth Hansson wrote:

Jag stickar mönster Josephine Drops 172~14 och förstår inte hur jag ska fortsätta efter att ha stickat ok m A.1a och A.1b . Fortsätter jg hela oket m A.1.a- A.1.b? Övergången m sista varvet på A.1.b stämmer inte m maskantalet på A.1.a

27.06.2023 - 17:11:

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Margoth, skriv dit spørgsmål ind i mønsteret du strikker, skriv hvor du er i opskriften og hvad som ikke stemmer, så prøver vi at hjælpe dig :)

29.06.2023 - 15:01:

Brenda wrote:

I am working on DROPS Children 26-6. Chart A-2 is confusing me. The pattern decreases on every odd-numbered row, yet it seems like the number of stitches remains the same. I understand that the entire chart row will not be fully completed on each row, but I'm not sure that I'm reading the chart correctly. For me, only Row 1 worked completely. Can you please tell me the number of stitches on the needle after every odd-numbered row?

22.06.2023 - 15:21:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Brenda, the number of stitches in A.2 should remain the same all the way (you should have the same number of decreases and of yarn overs so that they will compensate each other) - (you will work the lace pattern on every other round.) The decrease for the skirt will dstart when working A.3 only. Happy knitting!

22.06.2023 - 17:31:

Connie Bach wrote:

Diagrammer til drops 230-23 \r\nNår de første 4 pinde er strikket i A1 - A3 (bagstykket) \r\nSkal der fortsættes med A1 & A3 som kant ? \r\nDa jeg er nybegynder , har jeg brug for hjælp til at forstå hvordan man strikker efter diagrammer. \r\nSynes virkelig at det er svært at forstå \r\nIngen videoer som man kan få hjælp af, nogen steder ! \r\nSavner mere info, især som nybegynder, måske de dygtige strikkere, kan læse en tekst mellem linjerne men jeg kan ikke !

21.06.2023 - 18:06:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Connie. Når du har strikket de 4 første pinnene i diagram A.1 til A.3 bytter du til rundpinne 5, så strikkes det videre etter diagrammene (5. pinne = raden med pil). Når du har strikket hele diagrammene i høyden, gjentar du diagrammene. Men du starter ikke på 1.pinne, men fra raden med pil (slik det står beskrevet i oppskriften). Strikk videre (5. til 24. rad av diagrammene) til arbeidet måler 34-35-36-37-38-39 cm (avhengig av hvilken størrelse du strikker). mvh DROPS Design

26.06.2023 - 07:33:

Maria McCabe wrote:

Following pattern Sharon shawl Drops design as-037. The written instruction says to knit one row after cast on. Then follow A-1, A-2and A -3 with inserts of 21 garter stitches in between. My question refers to the line of stitches below the start of the 10 vertical rows of repeat stitches, If I start with that row first it indicate the start of the lacy edge on A-1 but at end of row on chart A-3 it calls for all knit stitches not edging stitches. Is that really correct?

17.06.2023 - 08:51:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Maria, after having worked all of the charts once vertically, start working the 10 last rows of the charts, indicated in a bracket in each of the chart. Continue with the stitches in garter stitch as before. Happy knitting!

17.06.2023 - 18:25:

Karin Träskman wrote:

Mönster 174-15. Stickar resåren. På varv 13 skall i stl L minskas 9 maskor och 5 maskor jämnt fördelat och detta skall upprepas en gång på samma varv, alltså minskas totalt 28 maskor. Men det uppges att totalt återstår 252 maskor, vilket ju inte stämmer, då jag lagt upp 292. Var gör jag fel?

15.06.2023 - 10:45:

DROPS Design answered:

Hej, du ska samtidigt även minska maskor på varv 3 i diagrammen A.2a, A.3a och A.6a. Det minskas 2 maskor i varje rapport.

19.06.2023 - 17:58:

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