It`s easy to substitute yarn!
Here is a sample that shows how it looks when you substitute 1 strand of DROPS Lin with 1 strand of DROPS Belle.
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Per favore posso avere peso / metri / nr punte che avrei dovuto usare del filato originale Lin anche se non piu in produzione ? con questi dati posso fare piu confronti con altri filati . grazie
08.05.2023 - 22:06DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Anna Maria, a questo link può trovare i filati sospesi. In ogni caso ogni gomitolo da 50 g di Lin aveva circa 120 m di filato, ferri consigliati n° 4 mm per un campione di circa 21 maglie x 28 ferri., Buon lavoro!
11.05.2023 - 19:23
Birgitta wrote:
Vilken färg/färgnummer är det på Belle på bilden ovan som är så likt Lin?
16.03.2023 - 13:41DROPS Design answered:
Hej Birgitta, den er desværre udgået. Her ser du det aktuelle farvekort: DROPS Belle
17.03.2023 - 10:55
Michèle wrote:
Bonjour C'est vraiment frustrant que la qualité lin 100% soit épuisée Est ce définitif ? La remplacer par une autre qualité ne répond pas à ma question. Merci
16.05.2020 - 07:01DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Michèle, tout à fait, DROPS Lin ne fait plus partie de notre gamme depuis quelques années déjà, et il n'est pas prévu de la remettre en place pour l'instant. Votre magasin pourra vous aider à trouver une autre alternative que celle proposée si besoin. Bon tricot!
18.05.2020 - 09:07
Helen Boertjes wrote:
A lot of years ago in school, grade five I worked with a tunisse haknaald. Is die er nog? Ik will dolgraag imakes met doze haaknaald. Alvast bedanked. Helen
19.08.2017 - 16:49DROPS Design answered:
Hello Helen! DROPS Design doesn't have Tunisian crochet hooks.
02.11.2018 - 13:51
Cindy wrote:
I am knitting your patter for an as symmetrical sweater in Lin. It calls for a 6mm needle, 14 st and 21 rows for a 4 x 4 swatch guage. I have a yarn dk light worsted and have gone up and down 2 needle sizes and can't get the guage. I don't think Lin is that different than mine. Please help Me get correct guage. Thank you cindy
22.05.2017 - 00:25DROPS Design answered:
Dear Cindy, this pattern was worked with a larger needle to get the desired fabric. For any further individual assistance, you are welcome to contact the store where you bought your yarn. Happy knitting!
22.05.2017 - 10:11With over 40 years in knitting and crochet design, DROPS Design offers one of the most extensive collections of free patterns on the internet - translated to 17 languages. As of today we count 313 catalogues and 11762 patterns translated into English (UK/cm).
We work hard to bring you the best knitting and crochet have to offer, inspiration and advice as well as great quality yarns at incredible prices! Would you like to use our patterns for other than personal use? You can read what you are allowed to do in the Copyright text at the bottom of all our patterns. Happy crafting!