How to measure the knitting tension and how to calculate a pattern

How to measure the knitting tension and how to calculate a pattern

This description can be used for both knitting and crocheting.

This is how we calculate a pattern from the knitting tension:

Always check the size chart to find the size you need.
See here for a lesson on how to read our size charts.

The pattern is calculated so that the measurements given in the chart will be the measurements of the finished garment.
For this calculation we need the knitting tension, and then the process is as follows:

If 10 cm in width = 20 stitches in width,
then 1 cm in width is (20/10) = 2 stitches.
If the width of the body is 48 cm, then we need
48 cm x 2 stitches = 96 stitches.

If you get 22 stitches on 10 cm instead of 20 stitches, your garment will be 5 cm narrower than the measurements in the diagram.

All stitch counts in the pattern are calculated from the given knitting tension and this affects everything: e.g. the shaping of the neck – the increases on sleeves – the cast-on edge - raglan etc.

So you need to change the size of the needle :)

Knitting tension and gauge swatch:

Gauge swatch:
To make sure the measurements on your garment = the measurements in the pattern, you should always start by working a swatch – to arrive at the correct knitting tension.

Cast on more stitches than the knitting tension states for 10 cm in width and work slightly more than 10 cm in height, starting with the suggested needle size.

If the knitting tension is:
20 stitches in width and 27 rows in height with stocking stitch = 10 x 10 cm.
Lay a tape measure on the piece and count the stitches:
20 stitches = 10 cm in width and 27 rows in height = 10 cm.

Result / consequence:
More than 20 stitches – change to a larger needle size
Less than 20 stitches – change to a smaller needle size.

When you have found the correct needle size, you are ready to start.
Remember to check the knitting tension as you go; it can vary as you work through the garment.

Right or wrong needle size:

Needle size:
There is no correct needle size; everyone’s knitting is different.

The given needle size is only a guide.

Find the needle size to get the correct knitting tension – if you need to use needle size 6 mm, when the pattern suggests needle size 4 mm, then do so.

Our own design team uses different needles sizes when knitting with the same yarn. This is very common.

Types of needles:
This is very individual.

There are needles made of wood, bamboo, metal, plastic, as well as other materials.
One finds their favourite, and it’s normal to use a different knitting tension when using different types of needles (circular, double pointed, etc.).

So if it doesn’t work when you try a knitting tension with – for instance - metal needles, try another material, like birch, and see if it works better for you.

Comments (296)

Maj wrote:

Hej Tak for gode opskrifter. Drops 202-8 Stone Fields har på målskitsen 66 cm i str. XXXL, hvilket giver 132 cm, men det er markeret nederst, så kan jeg regne med, at det svarer til brystvidde, eller hvor finder jeg den?

05.10.2023 - 15:12:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Maj. Maskeantallet er det sammen nederst og over brystet, så i str. XXXL er det 70 cm / 140 cm. I str. XXL 66 cm / 132 cm. mvh DROPS Design

09.10.2023 - 09:36:

Giovanna wrote:

È possibile creare questa borsa all'uncinetto e se si come devo lavorare i quadrati e di che misura farli? Grazie

04.10.2023 - 09:24:

DROPS Design answered:

Buonasera Giovanna, a quale modello sta facendo riferimento? Buon lavoro!

20.10.2023 - 19:16:


BONJOUR, comment savoir combien de pelote dois je commander pour le modèle 235 34 taille L , et pour les prochain modèles. MERCI

23.09.2023 - 17:49:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Delarue, vous trouverez toujours les quantités nécessaires indiquées pour chaque taille, au poids, dans l'en-tête du modèle, pour le modèle Rivière; il faut 350 g Alpaca/50 g la pelote = 7 pelotes + 125g Kid-Silk / 25 g la pelote = 5 pelotes - il faut bien les 2 laines car on tricote avec 1 fil de chaque qualité; utilisez le convertisseur si besoin. Bon tricot!

25.09.2023 - 16:16:

Anette Lyster wrote:

Strikkefastheden er oplyst i opskriften DROPS 231-11, men pindestr. er ikke. Er det på pind 8 eller 5?

23.09.2023 - 16:02:

Julie wrote:

Strikkefasthet i oppskrift er: 23 m og 32 pinner er lik 10 x 10 cm Dette stemmer ca i maskeantall (22 m = 10 cm) men i pinner får jeg bare 7,5 cm. Hva gjør jeg nå?

23.09.2023 - 10:25:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Julie. Ville ha prøvd å bytte pinne str. og sett om du kan få den oppgitt strikkefastheten. Om du bytter til en litt tynneren pinne og strikke litt løsere? Strikker du f.eks et skjerf eller pledd er ikke pinner i høyden så viktig (men garnmengden kan endre seg). mbh DROPS Design

26.09.2023 - 10:10:

Lydia Salvenmoser wrote:

Vielen lieben Dank. Ich werde mich gerne weiter informieren.

21.09.2023 - 19:56:

Lydia wrote:

Ich möchte gerne eine Jacke mit Alpakawolle mix stricken und möchte diese dann filzen, was sollte ich bei den Strickangaben beachten, damit die Jacke dann nicht zu klein wird? Wie muss ich beim berechnen vorgehen. Vielen Dank.

20.09.2023 - 12:45:

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Lydia, leider haben wir nicht so ein Modell, so haben wir damit keine Erfahrung, die Garnmenge liegt an die Maschenprobe, die Größe, den Schnitt, ... am besten wenden Sie sich an Ihrem DROPS Händler, dort kann man Ihnen gerne (auch per Telefon oder per E-Mail) weiterhelfen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

21.09.2023 - 11:33:

Babija wrote:

Merci pour ces explications très claires. Je changeais le nombre de mailles plutôt que la taille des aiguilles, mais cela m'astreignait à de savants calculs! Tellement plus simple de changer les aiguilles!

19.09.2023 - 18:32:

María wrote:

Me encantaria que traduzcan, gracias

16.09.2023 - 02:50:

María wrote:

Me encantarian que traduzcan, gracias

16.09.2023 - 02:50:

Carine wrote:

Quel point pour l'échantillon, j'ai fait une ranger endroit, une ranger envers ???

24.08.2023 - 09:11:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Carine, si votre échantillon est en jersey, vous devrez effectivement alterner 1 rang endroit sur l'endroit et un rang envers sur l'envers. Bon tricot!

24.08.2023 - 09:14:

Amber wrote:

When measuring the gauge, if your number of stitches is correct, but the rows are not, how do you adjust the pattern? For example, if the gauge should be 17 stitches x 28 rows, but you have 17 stitches and 24 rows? thank you

15.08.2023 - 20:59:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Amber, depending on the pattern it might matter or not; but it will impact anyway the amount of yarn required. If you are working a round yoke or a raglan, you might have to follow the instructions in cm or work the decreases/increases more often to get the required height matching your own tension. Happy knitting!

16.08.2023 - 09:24:

Clare wrote:

I like it

11.08.2023 - 02:48:

Carola wrote:

Hola, quisiera saber si para jersey con canesú con jaquard tengo que hacer la muestra con el dibujo del jaquard o liso como el resto de la prenda. Gracias.

18.07.2023 - 05:12:

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Carola, en nuestros patrones normalmente te indican el tipo de punto con el que se trabaja la muestra: con el patrón, con punto jersey, con punto musgo, e.t.c. Si nos indicas el número del patrón que estás trabajando podremos aclarártelo mejor.

20.07.2023 - 11:33:

Natalia wrote:

Czy podane przez Was rozmiary próbek przy wzorach są mierzone na sucho czy po praniu i blokowaniu?

27.06.2023 - 21:58:

DROPS Design answered:

Witaj Natalio, próbki są mierzone przed praniem, czyli na sucho. Tylko w niektórych wzorach jest informacja, że wymiary robótki są podane po upraniu (np. w swetrach wykonanych ściągaczem na całej długości). Pozdrawiamy!

28.06.2023 - 09:57:

Rita MARC wrote:

Quiero saber cómo hacen la trenza del borde y cada cuántos hileras se va cruza

20.06.2023 - 23:20:

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Rita, esta es una lección que se aplica a todos nuestros patrones. ¿Podrías indicarnos qué patrón estás trabajando para que podamos ayudarte mejor?

30.06.2023 - 20:31:

Jane Powell wrote:

Thankyou for your reply. I am trying to knit Sweet Seventeen. If I do it bottom up how many stitches would I cast on for small size? Thankyou🙏🕊️

17.06.2023 - 23:40:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Powell, you can try to read the pattern from the end towards the beg, this means cast on the number of sts cast off, increase instead of decrease and decrease instead of increase - we can unfortunately not adjust every pattern to every single request but feel free to request any further individual assistance from your Yarn store (even per mail or telephone, they should be able to help you). Thanks for your comprehension. Happy knitting!

20.06.2023 - 15:47:

Jane Apowell wrote:

Hello, I have been trying to understand the top down technique for a week but nowadays I find it hard to learn new things without becoming very confused. I have the Drops Sky for the pattern and my granddaughter chose the pattern but I have decided to knit it bottom up. Can you give me any hints on doing this. Thankyou for any useful ideas apart from getting a different pattern and wool ;)

17.06.2023 - 10:52:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jane, could you indicate which pattern you are working so that we may better help you understand the pattern?

17.06.2023 - 17:26:

Sabine wrote:

Guten Tag, ich möchte den Kinderpullover „Clover“ Stricken. In der Breite passt meine Maschenprobe genau, aber in der Höhe komme ich nur auf 8 cm. Was kann ich tun, damit später die Raglan -Zunahme stimmt? Vielen Dank!

15.06.2023 - 12:06:

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Sabine, Sie können dann extra Runden regelmäßig verteilt zwischen den Zunahmen Runden stricken; und/oder auch weiter stricken bis die gewünschte Länge für die Passe in der Größe erreicht wird. Beachten Sie, daß Sie dann extra Garn brauchen werden. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

15.06.2023 - 15:35:

Karin wrote:

Beste lezer, Uw uitleg is helder over het aanpassen van de naalddikte, maar wat nu als het breiwerk wel de goede afmetingen krijgt, maar te los wordt met een dikkere naald? Kan ik dan met de dunnere naalden een grotere maat breien die dan kleiner uitvalt? En hoe kan ik dat dan berekenen? Met vriendelijke groet

05.06.2023 - 20:49:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Karin,

Als het breiwerk wel de stekenverhouding krijgt met een andere naalddikte dan in het patroon staat aangegeven, dan zou het breiwerk ook overeenkomen met hoe het in het patroon bedoeld is qua losheid of dichtheid van het uiteindelijke werkstuk en zou het niet nodig zijn om het patroon om te moeten rekenen.

Je zou een patroon om kunnen rekenen op basis van de stekenverhouding. Bijvoorbeeld als je normaal 20 steken hebt, maar nu 30 steken op 10 cm, dan doe je het aantal steken keer 1,5. Dit is natuurlijk heel kort door de bocht omdat je ook rekening moet houden met eventuele telpatronen, meerderingen en minderingen, enzovoort.

10.06.2023 - 18:48:

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