Italian cast off – Knit 2 / Purl 2

Keywords: je dobré vědět, kruhová jehlice, lem, pružný vzor, čepice,

In this DROPS video we show how to do an Italian cast off in a piece work with Knit 2 Purl 2. Before starting the cast off, work 1 round where 2 knit - 2 purl becomes 1 knit - 1 purl.

Cut yarn long enough for your cast off, approx 4 times the length of the edge you are casting off.

1) Insert the needle into the 1st stitch (knit stitch) as if to knit and slip the stitch of needle.
2) Insert needle into 2nd stitch (knit stitch) as if to purl.
3) Insert needle into 1st stitch (purl stitch) as if to purl, lift the stitch off (the thread is now at the back of the work). From the back, insert the needle between 1st and 2nd stitches.
4) From the front, insert the needle into the purl stitch (2nd stitch).
Repeat from the beginning.

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video. You must read a pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern where you can use this technique by clicking on the picture below.

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Komentáře (3)

Viv wrote:

Want to use Italian bind off (on DROPS Green Whisper Cardigan) but first 7 stitches are all knit stitches. The remainder of row is k1, p1 rib. Can find good tutorials for the rib part, but would love advice on how to do Italian bind off on the 7 knit stitches?

04.04.2024 - 12:45

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Viv, you can maybe try with the technique in this video. Happy finishing!

04.04.2024 - 15:28

Maija Haliseva wrote:

Entä jos on tasoneule, kummalla puolella tehdään muuttaminen 1o 1n neuleeksi? Vai eikö onnistu tasoneuleeseen?

29.04.2023 - 22:45

Jeannette Donnelly wrote:

I am not an experienced knitter. Have good tension. Ihave to ask for help when the wording doesn't make sense to me. Do you have some patterns that look difficult but actually easy. This is for new born twins. Years ago I had such a pattern on loan to me, the look of the difficult pattern was a ;raised shell; It looked impressive, but it was not hard to follow. If you could send something like that please. Thank uou. Jeannette '

25.12.2022 - 22:25

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jeannette, you will find all our patterns for baby here - please feel free to use filters to help you finding the best matching patterns. Happy knitting!

02.01.2023 - 15:13

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