How to crochet cables and relief-stiches

Keywords: copánek, pulovry, reliéfní oka, strukturový vzor,

In this DROPS video we show how to crochet some of the rows in chart A.2 and A.3 to the Graceful Cables jumper in DROPS 210-12. We start the video with showing 2nd row (RS) of A.2 and work up to row 9 in A.3. We do not show the rows from the wrong side where it is only worked double crochets.

This jumper is worked in DROPS Air, but in the video we work with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow.
You must read the pattern and look at the charts to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the picture below.

Komentáře (3)

Kimberli wrote:

I’m very interested in this but since there is no sound it’s very difficult. Do you have others like this with sound?

23.07.2023 - 22:46

Lorraine Cornier wrote:

Sound would help greatly, have to keep pausing and refer back to written pattern. Please consider for future patterns as these are both beautiful and challenging.

19.12.2020 - 11:24

Nelly De Wit wrote:

Hallo, haak je op het achterpand ook kabels of alleen stokjes Dankjewel Nelly

24.08.2020 - 11:40

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Nelly,

Op het achterpand worden alleen vasten gehaakt.

25.10.2020 - 20:15

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