Como tricotar os diagramas do modelo DROPS 182-5

Keywords: diagrama, gorros, torcido,

Neste vídeo DROPS, mostramos-lhe como tricotar os diagramas A.1 e A.2 do gorro Sugar Twist do modelo DROPS 182-5. No princípio, mostramos 2 maneiras diferentes de tricotar o fio torcido entre as 2 malhas da carreira precedente (tempo: 00: 17-01: 37). Depois, mostramos como tricotamos o diagrama A.1, (já tricotámos alguns cm). Mostramos apenas 1 repetição de cada volta. Depois, mostramos como tricotamos o diagrama A.2 - as carreiras 1-4. Este conjunto é tricotado com o fio DROPS Nepal, mas, no vídeo, usamos um fio mais grosso, o DROPS Snow.
Deverá ler as explicações e ver os diagramas para poder seguir devidamente este vídeo. Encontrará as explicações do modelo ao clicar na fotografia abaixo.

O vídeo abaixo pode ser usado nos seguintes modelos

Comentários (2)

Lisette Racine wrote:

Hello, I'm trying to follow your instructions, unfortunately I have no sound but I'm steel trying to understand your explications just by visualing your movements. My question is that on the charts show to purl 6 stitches between the loop pattern but I see you only purl 5 stitches, am I skipping something? I've watche the video many times and still do not understand. Can you help me, please? Thank you very much.

21.11.2020 - 14:39

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Racine, there are here 6 purled stitches before the cable and 6 purled stitches after the cable - our videos do not have sound, just follow diagram and written explanations, we are here showing the cables worked in A.1 and A.2 with purl 6 on each side. Happy knitting!

23.11.2020 - 11:15

Shirley Wexler wrote:

How do you change a pattern from a circular needle to straight needles? (Pattern 182-5)

14.10.2017 - 12:55

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Shirley, when you change from knitting a pattern in the round to knit back and forth (flat on straight needles), you have to pay attention that the pattern diagram shows each row/round from the right side so, when you knit back on the wrong side, you should reverse the pattern). Also, when sewing up the hat, put the edges next to each other, and sew into the outer loop of the edge stitch, thus it will not be too thick. Happy Knitting!

15.10.2017 - 23:31

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