How to assembly booties in Baby DROPS 25-25

Keywords: lábbeli,

In this DROPS video we show you how to assembly the First Impression booties in Baby DROPS 25-25. First we show how to sew mid under foot and mid back in front loop of outermost stitches to avoid a chunky seam. Hereafter we show how to baste the ties up and down through eyelet holes on bootie – we begin and finish mid front of bootie. These booties are knitted in DROPS Baby Merino, but in the video we work with a thicker yarn; DROPS Snow.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find the pattern by clicking on the picture below.

To see the video on how to knit these booties, go to: How to knit booties in Baby DROPS 25-25

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